There is pain behind that smile
She thinks no one can see it
It comes out through her silent tears
At night
But when she’s out and about
She hides herself
Because what would "they" think if "they" knew?
Because what would "they" do?
Because if she lets go of this pain
Won't she look weak to you?
Men aren’t the only ones
With bottled-up emotions
Cause she can’t cry either
She can’t scream either
She holds it inside
And so she hides
And then
Kisses everyone good night
Lies in bed
And cries
I heard this line in a movie, "She hides herself." And I found it to be very true of every "strong woman" that I know, myself included. I was so moved by these words that I wrote this poem. If you are this woman, give yourself permission to let go. Share yourself, let somebody pray for you, and cry with you. You don't have to do it alone.
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Amazon: Yvonne Marie
Audible: Yvonne Marie
Goodreads: Yvonne Marie
She hides herself